Tuesday 1 January 2013

Hello and welcome

This is just a short introduction and explanation as to why I'm writing this blog.

Last year I managed to lose over 16kg of weight and felt really pleased with myself. It was a mixture of changing my diet and incorporating more exercise into my life.

Some of the things that I see at the gym amuse me greatly and I have shared them with my friends but would also like to share them with more people, some of the stories are to good not to share!
Whilst telling some of these stories during a recent trip back home over Christmas, a couple of friends encouraged me to blog about them. I was also asked a lot about how I have lost the weight so these two points, combined with the fact that I still have some more weight to lose (not helped by Christmas!) helped me decide to start this new blog.

My aim is to write a couple of times a week about the different weight loss tips, motivational tips etc that I find helpful as well as throwing in some of the amusing anecdotes I see at the gym.

Although the gym I go to is in France, I'm sure that many of the stories are pretty universal.

I hope you enjoy reading these!

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