Friday 18 January 2013

Friday weigh-in...

Whoo hooo, it was weigh in day today and not only did I get my target of releasing 1 kg, I actually smashed it and released 2 kg!! (A shade under 4.5 lbs)

It was amazingly easy this week, I must have hit the sweet spot of eating just enough to lose weight but my body didn't think it was going into starvation mode. After being on a plateau for a few weeks and then not really trying to diet over Christmas, I was also probably experiencing that initial drop in weight you see when you first start a new regime. Anyway, I'm happy about that as all my Christmas weight has gone.

When I went to body pump this morning and picked up one of the 2 kg dumbbells, I realised that it was that amount of weight that had gone, it felt good.

So this week's intention is to release another kg by next Friday.

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