Tuesday 15 January 2013

January Intentions

Christmas, New Year, birthday are officially over and so there are no more excuses in the way of setting my January intentions - so here goes!

I want to release another 10kg of weight. Last year I lost 16kgs and do feel better for it. I plateaued for a while during the last couple of months of the year but that was ok. The last time I lost weight I was incredibly focused and probably lost it too quickly and never really got comfortable with my new, skinny self and the weight slowly crept back on. It took several years to get back to my previous heavy weight, so for the last 8 years I've not had a stable weight. This time round I want that to be different and so it was ok to plateau for a bit and get back into the feeling space of being a bit skinnier.

Now it is time for the final push. I'm looking at releasing a minimum of 2 kg a month, so let's say that I'll have achieved this by the end of April. That will give me the motivation of new Summer wardrobe!

It may not be my final goal weight - this time round I'm doing different activities at the gym, such as body pump and so have a higher muscle mass, so I really don't know what I'll look like, so as I get nearer releasing all of the 10kg, I'll have a better idea of where I want my ideal body and weight to be.

So my first intention is to lose a kg by Friday.

I'll keep you informed...

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